Buttercups and Weeds

If you have been on a highway anywhere in North Texas recently, you have likely noticed the pink and white flowers that my grandmother called “buttercups”.  During my years of working as a floral designer, I learned that these are actually Evening Primrose (Oenothera speciosus Rosea). They bloom April through June across much of the…

Reconnecting with Family & Friends

After ten long years I recently visited my native country, the Democratic Republic of Congo. It was fun to meet my younger brother’s friends. He would introduce me as “Pastor Joseph Kazadi from the United States,” then he would tell them that I was his big brother. The look of surprise and delight was instant,…

Jesus Christ Superstar

Jesus Christ Superstar—it had been a long time since I had heard that music. So, I decided to watch it on TV on Easter night—at least until I got bored or disgusted. You see I had this feeling that it couldn’t be good. I love John Legend, love Sara Bareilles, had heard that other cast…

Stretching and Growing

Each year as the fifth graders enter their spring semester, we sense restlessness in Sunday school. It’s a restlessness of wanting independence and yet still needing supervision and guidance. It’s a feeling that something big and exciting is headed their way, with a bit of anxiety about change. The fifth graders know about (and have…